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Principal's Message

LCE Family-
I want to thank ALL of you for a great start to our Locust Corner school year! According to many of our staff members and parents it was one of the SMOOTHEST starts to a school year that many remember. I have received a number of calls from parents and grandparents stating that we are "doing great things here at school" and that students are "happy and well-developed" and are "developing a love of learning".

LCE Family-
I want to thank ALL of you for a great start to our Locust Corner school year! According to many of our staff members and parents it was one of the SMOOTHEST starts to a school year that many remember. I have received a number of calls from parents and grandparents stating that we are "doing great things here at school" and that students are "happy and well-developed" and are "developing a love of learning". While I love the positive feedback, I think it is crucial that we remember to remain positive and set an example at home for our children. They look to us to see our reactions and take a reading of our attitudes toward school and learning and that puts the responsibility on us. Change always brings fear and that often manifests itself in negativity. Let's not show that side of ourselves to those we care for. WE are our children's BEST example.
The notes that come to our front office need to be more specific so that we may ensure the safe TRANSPORT of your child. We will insist that any changes in transportation come in the form of a written note received THE MORNING OF the change. That note should include these components:
Student Name--First and Last
Destination Address
Date for Destination Change
Requested by-First and Last
Working Phone Number
When we receive this information the morning of the change in Destination we will issue the Bus Pass. Please DO NOT call the afternoon of the change to request this action unless there is an emergency situation. Thanks.
Our beloved Physical Education teacher, Kathy Wilson, retired right before school started, so our list of new staff has grown. Erin Mikula will be joining us as our PE teacher here at Locust Corner and we welcome her.
Our READING DOG program will resume at the end of September.
Please continue to read our Wednesday Headlines here online...and Welcome to the LOCUST CORNER FAMILY

Posted Friday, August 15, 2014